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Steps for Immediate Pricing Estimate

Optimal usage on desktop computers is advised for this feature.

  1. Input your Contact Information (Name, Email, Phone) - Proceed with Next.
  2. Fill in your Residential Details (Address, City, State, Zip) - Select Locate Your Home.
  3. Upon locating your house, choose Begin Your Fence Addition.
  4. Start creating your fence by clicking the initial point and dragging to the final point - confirm by clicking.
  5. Continue the above step for all fence sides. IMPORTANT: Precision is not crucial, this is merely for an INITIAL ESTIMATE!
  6. To incorporate gates, use the RED Add Gate button - After adding, click the RED Next.
  7. Choose your preferred fence attributes (material, design, color, height) - Confirm with RED Next.
  8. Your estimated price will be displayed IMMEDIATELY. REMEMBER: To finalize, hit the RED Next post-estimate - this sends us your plan. Completion is indicated by the appearance of Matt's image.

Design Your Fence Here